Google bans another Chinese app

Image result for Google bans another Chinese app
Google is banning a Chinese developer from the 
Play store for violating its advertising policies. 
CooTek, which is listed on the NYSE and is probably 
best known in the West for its TouchPal keyboard
replacement no longer has access to Google’s ad
platforms and has had dozens of apps removed altogether.

The news was reported by BuzzFeed following an 
investigation from Lookout that showed hundreds of 
CooTek apps using an invasive adware plugin called
BeiTaAd. This plugin reportedly sent aggressive ads
to users even when the phone or the app wasn’t in
use, which Lookout researcher Kristina Balaam 
said could “render the phones nearly unusable.”
Google bans another Chinese app Google bans another Chinese app Reviewed by GJ JOB on July 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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